Fergal Gribben

Process Manager

How long have you worked for Harlequin?

16 Years

Career History

I previously worked as a research fellow in university before joining Harlequin in 2006. I’ve been working in material science for well over 20 years now.  I initially started working in R&D projects before becoming responsible for the company’s technological processes.  I now focus on helping our new products all the way through from concept to market and making sure everything runs the way we want it to.

What drives you in Business?

I thrive in analysing and understanding why something works the way it does and then being able to helps others understand or to affect that change when needed.  There’s nothing better than making a difference, whether it be in helping someone out or even seeing that final product come to life in the real world.

The big "WHY"

To makes things even just a little bit better for all those around me.