Paul Kidd

Commercial Director

How long have you worked for Harlequin?

I have worked now for Harlequin for almost 12 years, in this time it has been my privilege to watch and be part of the evolution of the company from its roots to a cutting-edge innovative company which puts its staff and customers first.

Career History

I graduated from college with a business degree, I then augmented my learning at night classes with a master’s degree and chartered exams both in marketing. I had only one substantial previous role as a company director for a hazardous waste management firm owned by a major Irish PLC. During this time, I was integral to creating new business opportunities, growing this business and acquiring others.

What drives you in Business?

It’s a cliché to say that if you can retain and grow the best people, who then stay with you in the long term, this is the foundation of business success. Watching both our staff develop and being able to help develop our customers businesses is what drives me when at work.

The big "WHY"

Providing a good environment for my wife and four children to realise their full potential.